The Battle of Hamburger Hill: an Audio History /// 89

Hamburger Hill. It’s a battle made famous by the 1987 film with the same name. But the real battle of Hamburger Hill, also known as the Battle for Hill 937, took place almost two decades before the film was released – comprising more than a week of fierce, modern combat in horrendous mountainous terrain which left thousands of men killed and dismembered, wounded and captured. This is the story of that battle. It’s all here and it’s all free on Battlecast, the world’s foremost podcast on war and its sociopolitical impact.

Download episode 89 here: download link

Maps and Images:

Extensive maps and images are posted to the historical atlas of The Battle for Hamburger Hill located here

Music Source:

Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio /// website:


Hamburger Hill, May 11-20, 1969 by Samuel Zaffiri. (1988).

Vietnam: the bloodbath at Hamburger Hill by John DiConsiglio (2010).

“I Led A Brigade At Hamburger Hill.” The Washington Post. May 27, 1989: a23.

“Hamburger Hill’ remembered.” by Grey, Philip . The Leaf Chronicle.May 15, 2013.

Vietnam: A History by Stanley Karnow.

Major General Melvin Zais and Hamburger Hill by Major Kelly Owen Carl Boian.

“The Capture of Hamburger Hill.” by James Wright. Vietnam. June, 2010.

Steinman, R. (2015). The soldiers’ story: Vietnam in their own words.

The Ten Thousand Day War: Vietnam 1945-1975 by Michael MacLear.

The history of the 101st Airborne Division Screaming Eagles: the first 50 years by Robert E. Jones. (2005).

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