The Definitive Historical Atlas of the Battle of Hamburger Hill

The Battle of Hamburger Hill took place over more than ten days, from May 10 to May 20, 1969. By the end of it all over 16,000 artillery rounds and hundreds of helicopter gunships and tactical air strikes were utilized by American forces on just a few key mountains. After the battle, the North Vietnamese suffered approximately 691 killed and five men captured. While impossible to know for sure, it is likely that the NVA suffered about 1,800 dead and wounded during the assault on Hamburger Hill. American forces lost 55 killed in action and over 400 wounded in action. Given the overwhelming technical superiority of American forces, the NVA casualty ratio was extremely respectable. This is the definitive historical atlas of that battle.

(Diconsiglio, 2010)
(Zaffiri, 1988)
(Zaffiri, 1988)
(Zaffiri, 1988)
(Zaffiri, 1988).
(Zaffiri, 1988).
(Zaffiri, 1988).
(Zaffiri, 1988).
(Zaffiri, 1988).
(Zaffiri, 1988).
(Zaffiri, 1988).
(Zaffiri, 1988).
(Diconsiglio, 2010).
Wounded Americans are medically evacuated from Hamburger Hill. Notice the vegetation and cleared landing zone (Diconsiglio, 2010).
(Diconsiglio, 2010).
(Diconsiglio, 2010).
(Zaffiri, 1988).
(Zaffiri, 1988).
(Diconsiglio, 2010).
A major combatant in the Battle for Hamburger Hill, Lieutenant Boccia (Diconsiglio, 2010).
(Diconsiglio, 2010).
(Zaffiri, 1988).
Notice the terrain the men were fighting in. (Zaffiri, 1988).
(Zaffiri, 1988).
(Zaffiri, 1988).
(Zaffiri, 1988).
(Zaffiri, 1988).


Hamburger Hill, May 11-20, 1969 by Samuel Zaffiri. (1988).

Vietnam: the bloodbath at Hamburger Hill by John DiConsiglio (2010).

“I Led A Brigade At Hamburger Hill.” The Washington Post. May 27, 1989: a23.

“Hamburger Hill’ remembered.” by Grey, Philip . The Leaf Chronicle.May 15, 2013.

Vietnam: A History by Stanley Karnow.

Major General Melvin Zais and Hamburger Hill by Major Kelly Owen Carl Boian.

“The Capture of Hamburger Hill.” by James Wright. Vietnam. June, 2010.

Steinman, R. (2015). The soldiers’ story: Vietnam in their own words.

The Ten Thousand Day War: Vietnam 1945-1975 by Michael MacLear.

The history of the 101st Airborne Division Screaming Eagles: the first 50 years by Robert E. Jones. (2005).

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