The Battle of Hamburger Hill part 2 /// 90

Hamburger Hill is one of the most famous battles from the Vietnam War. This is the complete story of that bloody conflict. It’s all here and it’s all free on Battlecast, the world’s foremost podcast on war and its sociopolitical impact. This is part two of an ongoing series. You can find part one here.… Continue reading The Battle of Hamburger Hill part 2 /// 90

Julien Freund: What is Politics? part 2

What is Politics? A translation of Qu’est-ce que la politique? By: Julien Freund Translated from the French by Luke Wolf Part 1 is available here Introduction: On Political Action The aim of this study is to define the goal of politics. As the goal of politics is specific to the essence of politics, the goal… Continue reading Julien Freund: What is Politics? part 2

The Battle of Hamburger Hill: an Audio History /// 89

Hamburger Hill. It’s a battle made famous by the 1987 film with the same name. But the real battle of Hamburger Hill, also known as the Battle for Hill 937, took place almost two decades before the film was released – comprising more than a week of fierce, modern combat in horrendous mountainous terrain which… Continue reading The Battle of Hamburger Hill: an Audio History /// 89

The Definitive Historical Atlas of the Battle of Hamburger Hill

The Battle of Hamburger Hill took place over more than ten days, from May 10 to May 20, 1969. By the end of it all over 16,000 artillery rounds and hundreds of helicopter gunships and tactical air strikes were utilized by American forces on just a few key mountains. After the battle, the North Vietnamese… Continue reading The Definitive Historical Atlas of the Battle of Hamburger Hill